An End Has A Start.

Age 34, Male

Insurance Salesman

London, USA

Joined on 1/29/04

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i feel little pops of happiness in my heart each time someone else realizes what a corrupt bloated hunk of stupid shit the bbs is.

in b4 durr huurrr u r a blowtad hunk o stoopit shit, zeckey

wtf sum1 said u make gd flash bt i watchd 1 n it was jst sum gay sqaures doin gay shit it fuckin suxx balz BLAM

According to what I've heard from various banned members about the mods, they sound annoyingly strict. I don't go to the BBS very much, but when I do, I don't run into the problems everyone else seems to be having.

dur durrr ur a hilarious lump of lizard, zeckey


also the mods are only strict on people that have been here a while. hence why the bbs is a fuckin zoo.

Tbh, I've had no problems with the mods.

Then again, I barely make threads anyway, so the mods barely notice me.

Shame. Another person gone. To be honest, I only really see this site as a way to advance my flash skills, find a sponser, make some money, and then move on.

Sometimes I wonder if there could be a more, "professional," alternative to Newgrounds. Where the target audience isn't a bunch of Nintendo fans who play dating sims all the time. Selected staff would have the power to instantly delete any submission they see fit, to keep the kruft out. (Obviously, they would have to be highly trusted.)

Anyways, you're right, moderators on this website are VERY inclusive. It's like some club full of immature adults, with administrative power. Thankfully, their reach is, "only," limited to the BBS.

So yeah. Just use this site as a way to improve your flash skills, and move on as soon as possible. That's all Newgrounds is good for anymore.

Whilst there's certainly a huge number of the 'dumb kids' on NG, there's also the unheard group of brilliant animators and those that enjoy watching them. Remember when flash like 'Link's Quest For Ass' was in the Top 50? Then Bitey of Brackenwood came along and suddenly there was a torrent of well made awesome flash.

The BBS is a different matter though, it is a very inclusive club because a lot of them have been there since the moderation system began and they're the ones that choose the next mods. It's obvious where a cycle like that will go.

Although I've never known you, I think that what you're doing is a little over the top. Yes, there are a lot of morons on the BBS, but you just need to ignore them, in the knowledge that they will be hated by everyone for the rest of their NG lives... also, if we didn't have any moderators, doubtless there would be 100x more idiots perusing the forums. You shouldn't be so negative about all this.

It's almost 2 AM so reading this troubles me. So many regulars, seeming to agree. I haven't been on the BBS much before the second half of 2008, so I can't really judge it.

The BBS seems to be modded in a "progressive" manner, in that the more respect you get and the more posts you have, the more you get banned. While this is a system that for a while has worked for taxation (whether it still does in an age of rising deficits is open for discussion), it just doesn't work for enforcement. Who's committing robbery, aggravated assault, rape, murder? Mainly the lower classes. So punishing upper-class and middle-class members of society for minor crimes while letting the poor go free for them isn't going to reduce the crime rate, because the cops and the courts would be targeting the groups doing the least.

It's the same on the BBS: the mods are targeting longer-time, more respected members (equivalent to the upper and middle classes) for minor crimes (LordZeebmork, a user about as middle-class for the BBS as I am, got permabanned for trolling when he was just stating an opinion that he had that was unpopular with the mods) while letting major crimes of stupidity, incompetence, retardation, inability to spell or use anything resembling proper grammar, and flaming and trolling far greater than anything LordZeebmork ever tried, slide when committed by new members. If the little kids don't know now, they need to be taught, either by general ridicule or by bans.

But the mods obviously don't think that way; they reason that you, or AshfordPride, or Zen444, and so on, "should know better" than to commit minor flaming against a 12-year-old describing how his 12-year-old girlfriend of 1 week dumped him, while that same 12-year-old is let off for all sorts of bullshit. Stupid, huh? That's like letting a poor man off for rape and sending a fairly wealthy doctor to jail for jaywalking, just because the doctor should "know better" while the lower-class individual doesn't. It's a stupid way to go about things, and I'd like to see one of the mods (BBM and Poozy are often targeted as mods who act that way) try to defend it with something other than an appeal to their own authority.

So wherever you go, whatever you do, have fun. You don't need to worry about the BBS anymore: something tells me you won't really want to see it if you ever do decide to go back there.

There's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can do now
Goodnight, Travel Well

The unknown distance to the great beyond.

you are gay

I completely agree with you Will, and I agree with Gagsy when I say that I'm gonna fucking miss your posts. A lot of the time I'll go into a thread simply because you were the last person to post in it; wither because I'll get an intriguing answer or something that will make me laugh my balls off.

The BBS is utter shit, the cunts who post shit get to roam free while good users who try to make the occasional joke in GOOD TASTE get stick for it. It's like walking around on eggshells afraid of waking one of the Mods. And I agree with Luis when he says that the Mods are supposed to serve the people; however they don't.

There are a few Mods that I really really like, ones like BlueHippo, NEVR, Renaenae, BlackMarketKraig, Jonas and even Zerok. However it's the Mods who are most active that I see as fucking corrupt. Like BBM, EyeLovePoozy. Poozy has self declared himself as ruler of the general forum. If Poozy doesn't like it; It's gotta go. Which is fucking disgraceful. Tim really needs to take a good look at the BBS and sort it the fuck out. Before more great users like you leave.

Bye Will. I'll still be following your Twitter like a hawk though. ;P

Another good user leaves us, am I a reason?

The fucking faggy mods are worse than the trolls and the fucking spammers. Fuck it if it's not spam, I will ban according to my lack of entertainment. That's right, follow my e-cock's rules. This is probably why everyone from the NG crew had me banned from their page .. XD

You do know that both of Tom and the mods DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK AT ALL!

PlzDntLeave... :'c

Oh shit.

I didn't even know you very well, but I always found you funny.

How do you 'leave' a place on the internet it's not like you're moving away from the internet or something there's no fees to pay if you dont turn up so whats the point of 'leaving' why are you telling everyone you're stupid what is this I don't even

Being angry and using may mays only works on 4chan kiddo.

its official.

all the cool people have left.

seriously, fuck the lot of ya', i'm so sick of seeing you people go on long "i'm going away forever" speechs and WALKING OFF IN THE SUNSET TO SAD MUSIC. SO NOW I RUUUUUUUNNNNNN TO YOOOOOUUUUU WITH OOOOOOPEN ARMS!!!!!!

when the first guy did it, it was sad. but you know what? i'm sick of feeling sorry, i'm sick of sympathy and i'm sick of the actually smart funny people leaving.

you're a smart, funny guy. but you know what? if you're going to just BAWWWW and leave than thats fine with me, i can live with that.

fuck the lot of ya', seriously.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3 GiYr95JlU&feature=related

I will miss you. You were an inspiration to me. I was a big fan of your posts. Farewell.

I'll miss ya man, although we barely talk in the first place.

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