An End Has A Start.

Age 34, Male

Insurance Salesman

London, USA

Joined on 1/29/04

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Posted by WilliWowza - May 30th, 2008

Making news posts is always something that riles me up over what I should actually put here. On the one hand there's a part of me that want to writes up a detailed entry about how I'm feeling or my views on certain events taking place on Newgrounds, however that side is usually immediately countered by the side which reminds me that no one reads or cares about my opinion and much more people would simply prefer a one liner and a picture.

Well what is there to say about the moment? The BBS awards are causing delicious drama and reminding myself just how many people don't like me. You can't really say that you don't care about them at all, because it's people's opinion's on you, something which almost all people care a lot about. If someone says something nice about, you're happy and feel like some sort of role model for that person. A warm feeling of pride emits from within over the thought that this person looks up to you in the same way that you may have done for other users.

On the other hand there's the kick in the stomach you get when you see someone make a negative comment about you or put you in a bad category. Someone you don't even know, someone you've never done anything to doesn't like you. It's hard to shrug it off, it makes you feel like you've wasted this year/half year of posting because in the end everyone thought what you had to say was shit. Some people might "but er der it gives people an incentive to improve dem derselves"". (notice how I make the hypothetical quote of the person with a view different from my own appear stupid, ingenius) Well theoretically yes it would, but in reality people are stubborn creatures and once they have an opinion of someone lodged in their brains it becomes very hard to shake it short of them turning water into wine in front of their faces and dying on a plank of wood.

Internet drama aside I've been wasting time on TF2 and WoW for the most part. Yes WoW, and not even on my own account, I've been leveling up a friend so he can get to 70, at which point I will go back on my own level 70 so we can all play together. I don't particularly love WoW as a game, it is fun and pretty but not enough to warrant playing it on my own. Rather the fun comes from playing with people you know, over skype/teamspeak/etc., and having a laugh whilst playing it together. Technically this makes any game better, but it's particularly good in an RPG type game such as WoW, where you can all level up, quest and raid together. I spend most of my day just sat on skype talking with my buddies, which is what I've missed about WoW, actually interacting with people and having fun...

: not IRL buddies lol (except one) don't go thinking I have a life

Speaking of IRL, let's not. I'm sure nobody could care less about my life nor do they want to read me droning on about it since I sure don't unless it's a person I care about, which I don't think many people do about me on here. I don't see why people need to make a topic or a news bulletin every time they fart or cough, but I suppose some people enjoy it, like the type of people who watch soaps.

Flash has been hanging over me like a dark foreboding shadow, beckoning me to curdle back into her ghastly talons of tweening and patience. I really like doing flash, it's been one of the only things in my life where I felt like I've achieved something, but have never been happy with my work. Probably sounds sad but I was so excited and happy when I got frontpage/daily 2nd, like ever since I was a kid I used to look up to the flash artists on this site as some sort of geniuses and wanted to be so much like them. For days I would sit her watching flash after flash, spending whole days at a time watching every episode of Bonus Stage or Space Tree and dreaming of being as good as them. I will get back to it, I know it, it's never too late. Just having trouble getting the house free for doing voices, hate other people hearing me do that in the house.

Seems a bit of a waste even loading up MSN nowadays, seeing as I only really talk to about 3 different people (don't hold me to that number). People just seem to be talking to me less, feels pointless having such a big contact list of these people I barely know or ever talk to. It's not that I don't want to talk to the, I'd gladly talk to anyone most of the time, I'm just not good at starting conversations usually.....or I'm a bore to talk to. Just be nice to have actual conversations with new people instead of only being talked to for either a 5 or to post in someone's topic.

Why am I writing all this? Good on you for anyone actually reading this far, I don't know what's got into me. I'm just sitting here with the sniffles typing away like a madman for some reason.

Was wondering if I should change my username to Wooper, I really like it and makes more sense than this name, which people spell wrong half the time or just laugh at.

Achievements for this Blog

Iago the Parrot - (Read the blog in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried) 20g

Eat Dirt - (Read the blog in the voice of Earthworm Jim) 20g

GAMETRADERS ROBINA - (Read the blog in the voice of Yahtzee in under 1 minute) 40g

Off The Short Bus - (Leave a comment two sentences long) 20g


Thanks, hit me with some feedback so I can tell whether I should bother to do anything again.

- Wooper



yay, unimportaint ranting

0 Achievement Points

I read it all. You make good points.
With all the negative reviews on my latest game I've been feelin' the "kick in the stomach" extra hard lately. It's brutal, but it's somethin' everyone has to deal with on NG - good or bad.

Some people just like to be jerks, but it makes up for it when you see someone who's favourited your game or movie, it's a good feeling.



Read it all. Yeah it's kind of weird how hurt people can get just from negative feedback on the internet. I've noticed that it's fairly exaggerated on NG though; but you just have to not listen to the jerks.

On my first ever cartoon I submitted I got a review that said: "Go hang yourself or eat rat poison." That was it, word for word, it's gone now but I remember it because it was ground into my memory. Whenever I looked to see if I had a new review I would see that, and wonder why someone could be so heartless as to wishing I was dead over a flash cartoon. After spending about 2 years hanging around NG I've learned to take asshole comments with a grain of salt because honestly people can be unnecessarily cruel on this site, and you shouldn't listen to those people.

I do think however that constructive criticism is a very important thing, and on the BBS, when it comes to these yearly voting things, that really is non-existent, which may be why it is kind of upsetting to you. The BBS is a pretty harsh place sometimes, which is weird for me to say because honestly it's just a gathering of nerds, but the anonymity of it all can lead to people being meaner than they would be in real life.

I've noticed that if people make topics saying they like anime, or something about porn, they're going to get flamed, that's just how it is. Usually people just jump on the bandwagon with that stuff though.

Now, about you. You shouldn't listen to those guys who say negative things about you. Whenever I see a thread you made I always click it, because honestly you have made me laugh so many times, it's scary. You always have had something witty and original in your topics, and it's just fun to read what you write; so I commend you on that.

I don't know why I wrote all this, I guess I just had a lot to say on the subject.

Also, I like WilliWowza, I think you should keep it.

Thanks, glad I had an impact on someone. Anyone can just brush this aside and say 'Oh it's the internet it doesn't matter, get over it', but when you've put effort into anything, be it a flash, game or even a post on the BBS, you want it to be appreciated by people rather than constantly be met with hostility.

Still thinking about the name thing though.

I hate doing voices in my house as well...


"What's that dear?"

"N-no mom.....I-I wasn't talking to you...."

"Oh okey"

Confidence crushed :[

WilliWowza > Wooper


Wow, the paragraph about flash is 100% just like me. Everything from the loathing og my own work, to loving making flash, to thinking so many flash makers are genius and the house free voice acting.

Suppose that most flash artists feel this way, it's what pushes us to better ourselves and keep trying to do better.

all i can say is its about damn time you recognised his god like physich!(if you spell it like that)
wooper for president! :p

Wooper is amazing, he has such a cute smile.

I always like to remind myself that "the day you become happy with your work is the day your work stops improving." Essentially, no one decent will ever be happy with anything they make, but at least there's that short-lived moment of pride when you finish and release something.

The joy-vacuum that I fall into is this: I'll choose to work when I really, really don't feel like it, but then I'll cross some hurdle or tackle some obstacle I thought I would never tackle... So then I'm like "Wow, what if I had just gone to bed, or gone out with friends, or whatever, instead of sitting down to work on this... All these difficult things wouldn't be done."

But it's a trap, because before long, you have to ask that about every part of your day. "I wonder what would be done right now if I had gotten up at 6 instead of 7", "I wonder what I would have completed if I hadn't sat down to watch Lost." Suddenly nothing in life can be enjoyed because every moment spent consuming is a moment that you aren't producing. But then a lot of inspiration comes from the consuming, so it's important to totally slack off every once in a while and shift your gears. Anyway I don't know where I'm going with this bye.

Haha, I get what you mean about feeling guilty for not creating, but at the same time the moments when I wasn't on flash were usually the times when I had the best ideas which you can't get by just sitting in front of the computer screen endlessly ctrl +Zing that same line over and over because you just can't get it quite right. You have to take a step back every now and then to take a look at what you've done to see how to improve it .

All this is making me nostalgic for creating flash, really wish I'd actually felt like this a while ago so I could've done something for the MGS collab :[

Thanks Tom

I accidently submitted a piece of crap and i think that has something to do with the fact that i can't deposit or get any more points. Someone tell me!

Yes, I remember my first post, the way I look at it is that it could've been a whole lot worse. At least the grammar and spelling are near my standard now.

wooper was my favorite water type in Siviler/Gold

Woopers rule

He's Water AND Ground, tackles the Electricity weakness problem but makes him Doubly weak against Grass.



An account that hasn't been used for 4 years which was only used to make one review, anyways I'm still on the fence about the name thing.

I ment what I said about people being stupid for thinking you're overrated. You're one of my favourite users on here, and one of the few who I like to take notice of what you're psoting. You know what I mean, you see a certain users name in 'Last Posted' and you go look at what they are talking about. Forget the haters, it's all baseless, and I would love to talk to you more on msn.

Well do talk to me more, you're always set to appear offline or afk half the time so I never know when you're on.

I do that Last Posted thing for AshfordPride cause I bets he done something funny, except he's never on MSN either anymore.

So if he blocked me: ASSFORDPRIDE

If he didn't: HELLO :]

I'm not on msn so mine these days really. I mean right now I'm at work, so using msn isn't even an option and with my PC issues (CRASHING ALL THE FUCKING TIME) I tend to not bother getting on so much.



Get a PC you soppy sausage.


I'm gonna buy myself a decent laptop when I can afford it. My room is too small to house a PC.

Ugh, laptops, remember when they thought those little nipples in the middle of the keyboard were a good replacement for the mouse?


One Liner!


<Sarcastic rhetoric>

I'm not sure I get it. Explain in 1 sentence please

You just displayed my point perfectly.

I wanna rock your body.

My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you want to use my body
Go for it, yeah



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