Well, it wasn't Awesome...
First let me just say that for the most part it was fairly well animated, consistent and smooth throughout most of the flash, there's not much to quabble about there. The voices too were well done and good quality, for the lines they were given, and were one of the better parts of watching it.
Now, first to address the glaring issue of Egoraptor. Yeah sure it's hard today to make a video game parody and not be accused of copying him. In most cases it's wrong and people are just doing what they have always done on NG, take the piss out of Video Games. However the similarities in this flash are just too blatant that it's clear it's trying to be an 'Awesome' flash. The art style is extremely similiar, as well as the composition and the pacing in general. You made Grand Theft Awesome so I assume you have respect for the man, but it's better to create a tribute rather than pass off a style as your own.
The jokes themselves were lacking. I mean racism? Seriously? None of it had any relevance aside from the fact that Louis is black. At first I thought it might be satire on the fact that Louis is a stereotypical black character, except he isn't apart from the occasional 'DAYUM'. I'm sure drawing any black character with a bucket of KFC will ilicit a few laughs from the knuckle-draggers but it's hardly a worthy trade-off for the integrity of the piece. Aside from that there were a few giggling moments, dick jokes and projectile vomiting, sure. Just seems like there could've been so much more in here since there's so much more to the game. Maybe you didn't want to alienate people who hadn't played the game, but the people watching this will probably have played it anyway and being included in 'oh yeah that bit haha' moments that only people who have played the game will get is what make Video Game parodies good.
The selling of T-shirts and warning not to steal it also comes across a bit arrogant considering you have no idea how popular it'll be yet, though I'm sure it will be. Merchandise should be there to cater to demand, not just slapped on in hopes of making a couple of extra bucks.
It could've been something good, but I just wasn't seeing what would make this stand out from the rest of the crowd. Either that or this is actually a clever satire and I've fallen for it. Either way, you're a great animator and can do better than this.